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6 things you should never do on Facebook

Do you know the unspoken rules of social media interaction? We asked the expert for their best strategies for managing attention seekers and awkward oversharers on Facebook.
Facebook is an easy way to stay in touch with the old high school gang, share funny photos from your family vacation and wish your wide circle of friends a happy birthday without springing for a stamp. But there’s a downside, too: When you’re sitting behind a computer screen, it’s easy to mishandle conversations on social media and forget that you’re talking to a huge audience.   

“People are a lot bolder on Facebook than they are in real life,” says Wendy Mencel, director of the Canadian School of Protocol and Etiquette. “There is a disconnect between what they’re writing and how they’re coming across, and they forget that their words can offend people. Social media opens us up to more scrutiny, and we have to be conscious of what message we’re projecting to the world.”

Follow our expert tips to avert your own Facebook faux pas and improve your social media encounters.

Things to never do on Facebook

Use it as a soapbox
Social media may not be the best forum for controversial subjects, says Toronto etiquette expert Louise Fox.

“Political subjects are touchy, and things tend to look black or white on social media when there are no facial or vocal cues to assist people in interpreting your message.” If you are keen to share your religious or political views, tread lightly or you could find yourself “unfriended.”

That’s how Cathy*, a 50-year-old Halifax university instructor, plans to deal with a high school classmate who recently sent her a friend request. “He posts political rants two or three times a day, and it has rapidly become clear that I don’t share his views,” she says. “When I posted a link to a news story, he weighed in with a 500-word reply on my page. It was like he knocked on my door, and five minutes after I let him in, he was lecturing me.”

Get too personal
Posting the gory details of a medical condition or photos from a drunken girls’ night could have lasting consequences, especially since our Facebook networks often include business contacts. That’s what happened when Simone*, a 44-year-old marketing executive in Oakville, ON, accepted a Facebook friend request from a vendor she regularly worked with.
“He made gross comments and posted links to porn images,” she recalls. “I not only unfriended him, but his careless posts lost him my business.”

Younger generations, who have grown up with social media, may be more inclined to overshare and underestimate the downside: that future employers will search the Internet for background information on them. “Even if your privacy settings limit your posts to your friends, one of them might have a public page, so all the world can see them,” says Mencel. In some cases, this could affect a person being hired.

Publicly criticize a “Friend”
Posting your critique of a friend’s parenting style or sniping at a sibling on Facebook is a big no-no. “Some light teasing can be OK between people who know and understand each other fairly well,” says Fox, “but meanness or nitpicking with an audience is never appropriate. Someone could get very offended, and there are more productive ways to communicate in private.”

Fish for customers
Sophie,* a 30-year-old concierge in Calgary, recently “unfollowed” a friend who bombarded her with posts about the health products she’s selling. “She cluttered up my feed, and I’d get notification messages and click to find ads from her company. It was super-frustrating.”

It can also get you banished to the no-friend zone, according to a survey by NM Incite, a social analytic venture. “Trying to sell me something” was the third most cited reason for unfriending someone (behind “offensive comments” and “don’t know them well”). “Tapping your Facebook network for sales is an abuse of the friendship,” says Mencel. “If you want to promote your business, it’s better to create a Facebook page for it so people can opt in or out.”

Try to keep up with the ‘Joneses’
Most people present themselves in a favorable light on Facebook, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Like a 21st-century scrapbook, “Facebook is a forum for highlighting your strengths and the good things that are happening in your life,” says Phoenix Deerhawke, a registered psychologist in Calgary.

But when all you see on a friend’s page are upbeat posts and happy photos, it can make you feel like your life doesn’t measure up. The practice has been dubbed “fakebooking,” and it can affect you negatively. Indeed, in a 2012 study in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, sociologists found that students who used Facebook the most agreed that their friends – even the ones they don’t know personally – were happier and had better lives.

If your time on Facebook brings you down, you may need to change your perspective: “Facebook is sort of like a movie trailer,” says Deerhawke. “You only see the best parts; you don’t see the whole story, the ending or the bloopers.” If your mood is negatively affected by looking at friends’ pages on Facebook, be mindful that they’re likely not posting unpleasant stuff that is happening to them,” says Deerhawke. After all, who wants to keep souvenirs of or take selfies on their worst days?

Beg for attention
We’ve all seen those mysterious posts meant to elicit concern or drum up sympathy, such as “This is the worst day of my life” or “I can’t believe that happened.” They may get the hoped-for response from some friends, but others see them as pathetic attempts to garner attention. “Use your social intelligence when you’re posting and ask yourself what your motivation is,” says Fox. “Are you posting something that you really want other people to know about you or is it just self-serving, like seeking compliments for your latest selfie.” If it’s the latter, you may want to reconsider.

Things to always do on Facebook

Use your face-to-face filter
People say and do things on Facebook that they’d never do in real life, such as pestering friends about prayer chains, forwarding obnoxious links or posting inflammatory political opinions. “When you’re alone with your computer, it’s easy to forget you’re basically talking to a roomful of people,” says Deerhawke. “Because you’re a step removed and not face to face, that physical distance gives you the courage to say things you wouldn’t in the real world.” Before you post, ask yourself if you’d say the same thing to a friend over coffee at Starbucks, says Mencel. “If you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, don’t post it.”

Use tools to manage relationships
Canadian Facebook users average 190 friends, so chances are you’ve got people on your friends’ list that you barely know or don’t care about. But it can be tricky to turn down a friend request from your boss or hurtful if someone realizes you’ve unfriended them. “Those friends belong on your Facebook Restricted List,” says Vancouver social media expert Alexandra Samuel. “That way, they only see content you post to the public, not your friends, and they won’t be aware they are missing out on stuff.”

To create your Restricted List, click on the downward arrow in the right-hand upper corner of the blue Facebook bar. Click on Settings, then Blocking. You’ll find the Restricted List under Manage Blocking. Click on Edit List on the right to add names.

If you’re just not interested in a friend’s posts or they consistently annoy you but you don’t want to unfriend them and you’re okay with them seeing your posts, unfollowing them is another option. Right click on one of their posts and then click on the Unfollow option.

Keep your bragging in check
Overdoing it with “me, me, me” posts about your endless accomplishments may be a turnoff for your friends. “My cousin posts about every ‘A’ her kids get at school and never stops talking about the cool designer clothes she buys or the amazing trips she takes,” says Jane*, a 43-year-old Toronto-based mother of two. “Only the best stuff gets posted, which makes her life look too perfect and I know it isn’t! She’s my cousin so I can’t unfriend her, but I have unfollowed her.”

With all of the bragging and posed selfies, you may wonder if some of your Facebook friends are narcissists, and some research suggests that may be a possibility. However, Deerhawke thinks friends who appear self-involved may just be lonely. “When you’re moving through the world alone, it’s easy to take a quick picture of your food or a selfie on your smartphone,” she says. “When you post it and people ‘like’ it, you feel like they’re with you, so Facebook creates a sense of community.”

Group friends by shared interests
If you don’t want to bore friends with weekly posts about your son’s soccer wins or, worse yet, be bored yourself by a friend’s daily posts of silly cat videos, create custom lists of your friends. For example, you could have an A-list of the friends you interact with most and lists for friends with shared interests, such as dog lovers or foodies.

“I recommend parents have a ‘kid-sharing’ list of friends you trust whom you’re comfortable sharing identifiable info about your children with and who might be interested in what you post about your kids,” says Samuel. Lists will also make your time on Facebook more enjoyable: Rather than scrolling through posts from everyone on your newsfeed, you can scroll your custom lists so you don’t miss the posts of the people you’re most interested in. To create custom lists, click Friends on your home page, then Create List.

Consider friend requests carefully
If you’re an employer, it’s not fair to send friend requests to your employees on Facebook. “It’s inappropriate because there’s a power imbalance,” says Mencel. “If you want to know more about them, connect with them on LinkedIn, which is a professional network.”

As your kids reach young adulthood, you may want to consider declining their friend requests or cutting them out of your network, for your sake as much as theirs. It was the right move for Karen*, a 55-year-old registered nurse in Moncton, NB. “My 23-year-old daughter friended me and looking at her partying photos and profane posts upset me and made me worry about what she was up to,” she says. “Since I unfriended her, it’s been much better for our relationship.” And it was the perfect way to handle the situation, according to Deerhawke. “Developmentally, the job of a child at 18 or 19 is to form independence, and they’re going to be doing really silly stuff,” she says. “It’s not appropriate to share that with your parents.”

Be sensitive about sensitive information
“People now use social media like personal press releases,” says Fox. It’s one thing to announce a celebrity death on Facebook, but it’s not an appropriate way to break up with someone or inform your relatives that a loved one has died. “It’s too personal,” says Fox. “In emotional situations, a face-to-face conversation or a phone call is more suitable.”

Source : besthealthmag.ca

Way To Reducing Lung Cancer Risk For Smokers

If you have the bad habit of smoking, the principal way that one can help themselves is to give up on smoking. Continuing to smoke and seeing other ways to reduce the risks of lung cancer is a half hearted approach. Smoking is known to harm not only the lungs but can also cause other associated problems. By increasing the levels of toxin in the blood stream, you compromise your immune system greatly. All kinds of ailments take on a graver appearance when one continues to smoke. The following steps can be taken to reduce the risks of lunch cancer in

Do Not Smoke

  • Do Not Take Up The Habit – The main step towards reducing the risk of developing lung cancer is to stop smoking. Tobacco use is attributed as the major cause of lung cancer in people afflicted with such a disease across the world. It has been seen that in US alone eighty percent women and ninety percent men have smoked for which they have contracted lung cancer and finally died in the process. Thus, the main step towards reducing the risk of cancer is to not take up such a habit.
  • Quit The Habit – If you are a smoker, you need to quit the habit which will help to lower the risk of lung cancer. You could try electronic cigarettes to reduce your tenacity to smoke. One should remember that, even if you quit, you need to take steps towards a healthy diet and lifestyle in order to reduce the chances of contracting such a disease.
  • Seek Help – If you are a smoker and are unable to give up the habit, you need to lower the risk of lung cancer by seeking help. There are support groups where one can join to discuss their problems of not being able to quit. Such support groups allow one to express their feelings and be able to come to terms with their situation. One could also seek counseling and support to quit smoking.

Reduce Exposure To Second Hand Smoke

It is said that passive smoking is as bad as being exposed to smoke first hand. Thus, one needs to find ways to reduce chances of inhaling second hand smoke at home or in workplaces.
  • Make your home smoke free – if you live with other members who smoke, try and discourage them from smoking. Even if they cannot give up the habit, they should be asked to smoke outside the close spaces where the air gets polluted easily.
  • Ensure that your workplace does not make you a passive smoker – you have every right to a smoke free space in your workplace. If others are smoking close to your office workstation and subjecting you to second hand smoke, you can speak up and voice your complaint.
  • Use public transport that does not allow smoking. Nowadays most public transport systems, public waiting areas do not allow people to smoke openly. One can always speak up if others are found smoking.

Reduce Exposure To Dangerous Fumes

Lung cancer can be caused not only by being exposed to tobacco fumes or smoke but also by exposure to other forms of toxic fumes and pollutants.

Reduce Use Of Chemical Household Cleaners

We do not realize that many of our actions involve working with chemicals that release fumes which can be toxic to our lungs. When you are using household cleaners, it is best to resort to herbal or non toxic household cleaning agents. These will not release harmful fumes which can affect the lungs and increase the chances of lung cancer.

Workplace Dangers

 Do you work in a factory where you are subjected to inhaling dangerous fumes? If so, find out the norms of workplace safety rules and whether your office is abiding by them. Seek medical help if you have been exposed to an unhealthy level of such toxic fumes. Consider changing such a workplace if the risks are great.

Living Areas

Do you live in an industrial setting? Do you have plants and factories next to you which emit fumes all day? Such pollutants in the air will affect the residents nearby. Find out more about the factories located close to your home and whether you are at risk of contracting lung diseases like lung cancer due to constant exposure to such polluted air. You might need to consider moving t a safer and greener par of town in order to reduce such risks to your health.

Have you quit smoking to reduce the chances of lung cancer? Do you wish to be free of such risks? Get a medical checkup done and follow the preventive measures mentioned above. Awareness and prevention are the important steps to prevent the onset of such a disease.

Source : myhealthtips.in

18 Effective Home Remedies To Fight Hair Loss

Most of the people lose 50-100 strands of hair every day. When hair is washed, people can lose up to 250 strands of hair. When you lose more hair from the scalp or from other parts of the body, you will be having hair loss. Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss. The hair grows about half an inch per month. About 90 % of a person’s hair will be in the growth phase at any given time. Another 10 % will be in the dormant stage and after 2-3 months these dormant hairs falls out.


• If you see large amount of hair on your pillow when you wake up in the morning you will be suffering from hair fall
• If you find more than normal hair left in the comb when you comb your hair, then you will be having hair loss problem.

• When hair loss occurs, men’s hair recedes from the forehead or from the crown of the head.
• Women will experience thinning of hair and the parting becomes wider and sees more of their scalp.
Sudden hair loss indicates underlying medical condition and requires identifying the problem causing the hair loss.


The important causes of hair fall or hair loss includes
• Hereditary conditions
• Stress
• Medical conditions such as anemia and autoimmune diseases and thyroid disorders
• Cancer
• Scalp infections
• Skin conditions like psoriasis, dermatitis
• Pregnancy
• Certain hairstyles which causes traction on the hair.
• Hair-pulling disorder
• Menopause
• Medications
Hair loss can appear in different ways depending on the cause. Some types of hair losses are temporary and some are permanent. It is possible to prevent the temporary loss of hair using various home remedies available.

Effective Home Remedies To Fight Hair Loss

1. Coconut Milk
Coconut milk has rich properties of nourishing hair tissues. It will help in effectively reducing hair loss.
• Scraps fresh coconut and grind the coconut scrapings in a blender.
• Squeeze the paste to extract coconut milk.
• Now apply this coconut milk extract generously on your hair and scalp and leave it on the hair for 15 to 20 minutes.
• Massage your scalp with the coconut milk.
• This will effectively help in preventing hair fall.
• Apply coconut milk on the scalp once every week to prevent hair fall.
2. Neem Leaves Juice
One of the most sought after herbs in India is the neem leaves as it has loads of medicinal properties. It is also an effective herb to treat hair loss in men and women.
• Boil fresh neem leaves in water until the water reduces to half its quantity.
• Cool this water and then wash your hair and scalp with this water mixture.
• Repeat this process once or twice a week regularly to prevent hair loss.
3. Honey And Olive Oil
• Add two tablespoons of honey and two tablespoons of olive oil in a bowl.
• Mix it well and to this mixture add a tablespoon of fresh cinnamon powder and make it a smooth paste.
• Apply this mixture on the scalp and your hair and leave it there for 20 to 25 minutes.
• This will help in soothing your hair and is effective in growing new hair.
• Apply this mixture on your scalp regularly every week to see visible results.
4. Aloe Vera Juice And Neem Paste
• Extract fresh juice from the aloe vera plant and add dried neem leaf powder to this juice.
• Mix it well and add a few drops of herbal amla oil to this mixture.
• Now apply this mixture on your scalp and hair evenly so that it reaches every nook and corner.
• Keep it on the scalp for half an hour and then wash it off.
• Repeat this once or twice a week to enjoy lustrous hair.
5. Egg White And Curd Paste
• Take egg white of two eggs in a bowl and add two tablespoons of fresh curd or yoghurt to the egg white.
• Mix this well and then add a tablespoon of shikakai or neem powder that you get in the market to this mixture.
• Apply it generously on your scalp and leave it for 30 minutes.
• Wash it off and repeat every week to prevent hair fall.
6. Amla
• Heat coconut oil with dried amla until the color of the oil turns black.
• Cool this oil mixture and then apply it on your scalp.
• Massage your scalp with this hair oil mixture properly for 10 minutes.
• Leave it on the scalp for 30 minutes and then wash it off.
• Repeat once a week for effective results.
7. Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera juice is said to be very effective in preventing hair loss and is also a good goal to nourish your hair and scalp.
• You can apply pure aloe vera directly on your scalp.
• Just cut the aloe vera leaf in half and apply the juicy portion of the leaf on your scalp.
• This will prevent hair loss due to scalp dryness or irritation.
• Apply the aloe vera juice on your scalp and massage your scalp properly.
• Wait for a few hours and then wash it off with lukewarm water.
• Do this twice a week or effective results.
8. Oil Massage
• Applying coconut oil on your head everyday will help in preventing hair loss.
• Regular massage of your head with lukewarm hair oil every day for a few minutes before your bath will help in nourishing your scalp and improve blood flow.
• This will prevent hair loss.
• You can also use jojoba oil, neem oil, mustard oil and almond oil.
9. Homemade Brew
You can prepare a concoction in your home and apply it on your hair to prevent hair loss.
• Mix about 30 to 45 ml of vodka or alcohol with a teaspoon of pepper and pour this mixture in warm water.
• Wash your hair and scalp with this mixture once a week to reduce hair fall.
10. Onion And Honey Application
• Cut onion in half and apply the juicy part of the cut onion on your scalp evenly so that every area is covered.
• Now follow this by generously applying honey all over the scalp and massaging it into the scalp.
• Leave it there for a few minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.
• Repeat this process once in ten days to prevent hair fall.
11. Lime Seeds
Lime seeds and black pepper combination are found to be effective in covering small bare patches on your scalp.
• Powder the dried lime seeds and add this to fresh grounded pepper powder.
• Mix these powders with small amount of water to make it a smooth paste.
• Apply in the areas of your scalp where you feel hair loss is prominent and massage it to rejuvenate your scalp.
• Repeat this process once a week to see hair growth in the affected area.
12. Avoid Junk Foods
All unhealthy eating habits and unhealthy lifestyle are also reasons for hair loss.
• Try to avoid junk foods and oily foods as far as possible.
• Increase the intake of water in order to remove toxins.
• Include moderate exercise to your routine to improve blood flow to your head and scalp to prevent hair loss.
13. Shana Seeds
• Make a paste of shana seeds in coconut or castor oil that is lukewarm.
• Now, apply this mixture on your scalp and massage it gently on to your scalp.
• Leave it to rest for half an hour and then rinse it off using a mild shampoo.
• Repeat for two days a week to see good results.
14. Eating A Balanced Diet
It is highly important to eat a balanced and nutritious diet to prevent hair fall.
• Make sure that you increase the amount of iron, vitamins and minerals intake in your daily diet to help prevent hair fall.
• Lots of greens and vegetables need to be included in your healthy diet to reduce hair loss.
15. Maintaining Hair
• Washing and brushing your hair properly will also help in preventing hair fall.
• It is also important for you to trim and prevent tearing of hair.
• Make sure that you get rid of split ends soon.
16. Tobacco Sauce
• Mixing your regular shampoo with a few drops of tobacco sauce is found to be effective to prevent hair fall.
17. Tea Decoction
• Wash off your hair with a mixture of tea decoction and lemon juice mixture to maintain the health of the hair and to prevent hair fall.
18. Reduce Blow Drying Your Hair
• Blow drying hair will damage hair follicles and dry out the scalp.
• Do not overuse hair dryer as this will result in hair fall.
Are you tired of seeing your hair fall regularly? Do you feel that you are suffering from moderate hair loss? If this is the case, then you will need to try out a few of the above mentioned home remedies to easily prevent hair fall.

Source : www.myhealthtips.in

Effective Beauty Tips for Fair Skin

“Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder.”- Plato
Beauty—this word itself brings smiles on faces of many people. There wouldn’t be any human on this planet who wish not to be beauty.  Although there are many sayings that beauty has more to do with inner self and it lies in eyes of beholder, not to forget that it’s often associated with fairness. And if you  are in search of this beauty (for fair skin), then your search ends here.

What is fair skin?

When someone’s skin complexion is pretty, white and when you can see the veins in his/her body, it is said that the person’s skin is fair. Generally there are many reasons for fairness of skin. Although it could be genetical, one can also become fairer by taking simple home remedies.
You need not visit a beauty parlour and shell out extra money to become fair my friends. It’s just matter of some care and that’s all.

Sun tan and pollution:

We often hear from people, don’t go out in sun, you will become dark. This is because of the element melanin that is  present in our skin. Whenever we get exposed to the sun, this melanin is being produced in large amounts to keep skin safe from sun burns. As and when large amounts of melanin is released, the skin turns dark given melanin is dark in colour.

Some beauty tips for fair skin:

If you are seriously looking forward to maintaining your fairness or willing to regain the lost fairness, then you don’t have to worry at all. You don’t even need to do rounds around beauty parlors. I tell you some simple beauty tips to you all so that you can maintain fair skin

Beauty tips are broadly classified into two types:

Natural: These are genuine tips. In these types of tips, we generally use all natural things like vegetables, fruits and their pulp. Many people prefer natural beauty tips as they are not only safe but even zero cost effective.


The other beauty tips are cosmetic ones. Here chemicals or artificial agents are used to make skin fairer. These include mud packs and other fairness creams or mixture of chemical agents.While cosmetic methods are not usually advised, natural beauty tips for fair skin are highly recommended not just by experts but even by me. In fact, cosmetic tips may or may not yield results whereas natural beauty tips yields best results. Dig more into various beauty tips for fair skin.

Here Are The Top Homemade Beauty Tips For Fair Skin


Honey is one of the best methods of getting fair skin folks. Just get a tea spoon of honey and apply it on your face and massage gently in circular motion. You are supposed to do this at least twice a day-morning and before going to bed. After a couple of weeks, you will notice that your skin has turned into lite golden complexion. Please note that you should not use milk with honey as it’s not advisable.


Yes, you read it right my friends. Papaya might be overheat to body if consumed but it can be boon to your skin if you use it as a topical medicine. Are you wondering what is this topical medicine now? Topical medicine is something that’s applied externally. So, papaya can rightly be called topical medicine.
Just take a papaya. Peel off the skin and crush the fruit so that it becomes like a thick paste. Apply this paste on your face. You can even use it on your arms (as they get exposed to sun and prone to tan). Allow the paste to be on your face at least for an hour. If you are a person who have no time to concentrate so much, you can simply apply and do your regular work like getting ready for office. After an hour, you can wash off. This process you need to do for at least three months to find the difference.

Tulasi (Basil):

Tulasi is the gift of God. It not only cures illnesses if consumed but can even work wonders on skin. Believe me, people who used tulasi juice on their skin got relief from all sorts of skin diseases and even noticed that complexion became fair. Therefore, Tulasi juice is now a best remedy to say good bye to sun tan and get fair skin back.
Take a few Tulasi leaves. Grind them with stone and then apply it on your skin gently. Leave it like that for a couple of minutes and then wash the face with luke warm water. Do this for up to three weeks and you will realize the difference within a few weeks.

Rose water:

Rose water promises you a fair skin in very less time. You can purchase already available rose petals or simply peel off rose petals and allow them to soak in water for a day. Now apply this water on face regularly. If possible, whenever you wash your face, you can wash with rose water. Remember not to apply soap when you wash your face with rose water. There are many cases wherein people used rose water and got not just fair complexion but close to pink complexion.


If you are in India, you must be very well aware of the good effects of turmeric. In fact, Hindu women use turmeric to paint their feet. This is said to be holy. However, studies proved that women who used turmeric got fair complexion. Since turmeric is not costly, it’s the best thing you can try out friends. Apply turmeric on your face, hands and feet regularly in the morning and before you go to bed. You can notice fair complexion in no time.


Yogurt is something that’s so close to almost everyone’s heart as dinner is said to be incomplete without letting taste buds enjoy curd especially when it comes to
southern part of India. Such a common food can bring fairness if applied on skin! Sounds incredible, but it’s in fact true friends. Just take a table spoon of curd and apply the curd on your face everyday in the morning. It shall not only make you fair in four weeks but even kills acne on face. To those allergic to curd, you can try other alternatives mentioned here.


Cucumber is also an edible vegitable that’s cooked almost once a week. Being a low cost vegetable, cucumber is best adviced to apply to skin to get fairness. This vegetable contain elements that reduces the melanin and erases the tan and that’s why it’s highly adviced to go with cucumber although it might consume a little time. One can even crush the cucumber into paste and apply it on face or even make juice of cucumber.
Also, studies mentioned many a times that cucumber not only increased fairness of skin but even extracted the heat out of the body leaving eyes and skin cool and fresh. Further, black heads will also vanishes in no time if you regularly apply cucumber. While following this tip, do not forget to put circular pieces of cucumber on eyes to remove black circles around your eyes.


Lemon juice can work wonders on your skin. You can apply it any time but do it as often as possible in a day for a quicker results. Lemon might leave you pinching sensation for quite sometime but that’s natural. So, don’t treat it as a side effect. Natural products except curd have no side effects if applied on skin. One lemon each time should be sufficient enough. Do like this for at least four to six weeks before you check your face in mirror only for changes in complexion of yuor skin.

Tomato Juice:

Do you know La Tomatina festival? If you don’t know, then let me tell you that’s its a unique festival that takes place at a village, which is located 30 kilometres from Mediterranian. In this festival, people throw tomatoes at each other. Although the history tells tomatoes were hurled by miscreants to mark a protest. But people who received tomatoes on their faces, instead of feeling hurt, felt refreshed. And it was apparently reported that these people used tomatoes regularly for feeling refreshed.
After a couple of days, people who used tomatoes regularly for refreshment noticed that their complexion got fairer. Since then tomatoes have been used and recommended as one of the most efficient beauty tips. You can simply squeeze tomato on your or apply its juice and pulp on your face daily for up to six months to see the results.


Potato, although can’t be as effective as other tips in bringing complexion, it can be a best remedy to remove black scars on your face. Supposing you got a burn on your face, which left a black mark, then potato should be the first preferrable thing on earth to remove that mark.

Tender coconut water:

Wash your face with cocunut water when as soon as you come to your home from outside. It will remove all sun tan immediately and helps you feel refreshed and relieved. You can also apply the tender cocunut to scrub your face and then wash it with water. This can apparently remove the blackheads on your face besides improving the complexion of your skin.

Egg Yolk:

Egg yolk is best home remedy for fair skin. Take the yolk. Put it in a bowl and crush it into paste. Apply a spoon of honey and curd to it and mix it properly. Now you should put this mixture on your face as a face pack. Allow it to dry and then wash off with cold water. Do this daily for at least two to three months to notice results.


Apply the chunks of water melon on your face on summer at least thrice a day to ensure that your face doesn’t turn dark from fair due to tan. You should note that watermelon can be used a precaution and it cannot be used as after effect.

Milk and Saffron:

If you don’t mind spending little extra money for naturally making your face fairer, then nothing can be as best as milk and saffron. Take 250 ml of milk and apply some saffron in it and mix it properly. Now apply this mixture on your face evenly and leave it like that without any massage or circular movement. Alternatively you can also drink this mixture for better results. Several results proved that milk and saffron brought next to pink complexion. It is best advisable for skin glow women who wish to turn their skin into baby pink.
Sandalwood paste: Last but not the least—sandalwood paste. A pinch of sandalwood paste on your face can be so promising for your complexion. Apply sandalwood paste like face pack for just 30 days and you will see miraculous results. Probably that could be the reason why even sandal soaps became so popular everywhere.

Some Doubts:

Friends, the above mentioned beauty tips are cost effective and can really be helpful to you at any point of time. There’s no expertise that’s required to use these simple tips. You must be having doubt as to why so many tips and whether one can use all tips at once. If this is your doubt then the answer is no. Milk and lemon don’t go hand in hand. If you apply both milk and lemon-as they both are tips for fairness-then you might end up getting a reaction. So, choose only one of the above tips and follow them regularly. In case, you are not satisfied with one tip, then you can always shift to the other. But never try all beauty tips for fair skin at once.
That’s all for now friends. These 15 beauty tips for fair skin are exclusively presented after a wide research by our team. To know more such tips, you are advised to visit this portal as frequently as possible. I bet you, this very idea will change your life for good. See you all with more simple home remedies and beauty tips.
Source : myhealthtips.in

How To Lose 8 Kgs Weight In 7 Days

Are you looking for the fastest way to lose weight? Are you having a big party in a couple of weeks time and are looking to get into skinny clothes that fit your properly? Are you going out on a date in a couple of week’s time? Whatever be the reason that you are trying to lose weight, you have come to the correct page that will provide you with the ideal tips that will help you to easily lose weight in a week’s time.
It is important for you to find the right kind of weight reduction method to get back into shape and never fall prey to diet pills and weight loss supplement advertisements that you come across on television channels and the internet. If you are able to combine a proper and healthy diet with an exercise regime, then this could be your passport to the fastest way to lose weight and that too naturally. The first and foremost thing that you should remember is that you should not skip meals or eat at irregular times in any weight loss plan. If you ever thought that skipping a meal or two an eating a hearty meal only once a day is never going to help in reducing your weight. Also, make sure that you set realistic weight loss target goals before beginning a weight loss program and try to achieve the set target. Always bear in mind that you can only stretch your body to a certain limit with rigorous exercise routines and a well balanced and healthy diet plan.

One of the most popular and commonly followed diet plans of many weight loss enthusiasts is the
General Motors diet plan and this plan is the best plan that you can come across on various sources that will provide you with the fastest way to lose weight and that too naturally without intake any other health supplements or diet pills. General Motors is one of the leading car manufacturing brands and they have come up with a renowned and successful General Motors Diet Plan or GM Diet Plan that is followed by many other companies as well as educational institutions as it will help in improving the well being of people working in an office or a school or a college or any other industry. The GM diet plan is found to be successful in people of all age groups and there are even claims that people have been able to lose 8 kilograms of weight within a week’s time by following the diet plan from GM.
There are quite a lot of people who are a bit plumper for their liking and are looking at different ways to lose weight without putting in a big effort. There have quite a lot of people who have tried various options like yoga, workout in the gym, running, jogging and regular exercise to reduce weight but have not been able to get rid of the excess fat deposits on their body and to reduce their weight. If your bulkiness is your worry and you would like to shed off those extra kilos from your body, then GM diet could be the answer to all your weight problems.

 If you are ready to go on a GM diet plan, the first thing is that you need to do is to get your mind ready for the diet regime that you are going to follow. Only if you have a controlled and peaceful mind will you be able to be successful in this weight loss plan that offers you the fastest way to lose weight. The diet plan is for one week and through this diet period you will only be allowed to take specific foods as prescribed in the diet plan for each of these seven days. It is believed that you will be able to reduce about 5 to 8 kilograms in weight when you follow the diet plan exactly as mentioned below.
The most important thing that you need to realize in this fastest way to lose weight is to not stay hungry at all. This will do the opposite and instead of your plans to lose weight you might end up gaining a few extra kilograms. This plan suggests you the right amount and the right quantity of food that you can intake in order to make you feel you are full always. You might be curious thinking of how a diet plan will work when you are allowed to eat and that too at a specified amount. Also, many people who took this lose weight diet program from GM were puzzled on how a diet program that does not ask you to fast will help in effective weight loss. But, there is nothing to worry about in this diet plan as it is a sure shot procedure that will help you to reduce your overall body weight by 5 to 8 kilos in about a week.

Day One

The first day is the most important day in your GM diet plan program. You are just stepping into the world of knowing how you can reduce your body weight and that too in 7 days time. The GM diet plan says that the first day of the diet must be a complete fruit diet day. You have the option of eating all the fruits that you possibly can and also take in whatever fruit that you like. But, it is important for you to make sure that you avoid bananas from your fruit list on day one. Some of the suggested fruits that you can take on the GM’s weight loss diet plan are watermelons and cantaloupe. You are also supposed to drink about 8 to 12 glasses of water on day one and make sure that you do not even touch any other food items, not even raw or boiled vegetables. If you need this plan to work effectively in your body, then you should only consume various kinds of assorted fruits throughout the day. If you feel hungry, try to eat more fruits and of course drink water.

Day Two

If day one was a day that gave you the opportunity to binge on your favorite fruits, then day two provides you an opportunity to eat only vegetables throughout the day. You can take in the vegetables that you like both in the raw state and in cooked state. But, it is important for you to make sure that you do not use any sort of oil while cooking vegetables. Consuming boiled vegetables are also a good option. You can take any vegetable that you like including potatoes. But, it would be safe for you to try out the boiled potatoes early in the morning itself so that the carbohydrates get burnt during the course of the day. Some of the common vegetables that are good to be consumed on day 2 of the lose weight diet regime are: cooked beans, raw and cooked carrot, broccoli, cucumber, boiled bottle and ridge gourd, lettuce, boiled cabbage and so on. There is no doubt that your digestive system will completely undergo an overhaul by the evening and you also would need to visit the toilet more times than before. Make sure that you do not miss out on your daily dose of 8 to 12 glasses of water along with a strict veggie diet on day two.

Day Three

The third dray of your GM weight lose plan will allow you to take both vegetables and fruits for the entire day. Make sure that you do not touch potatoes in the veggie section and also make sure that you do not consume bananas from the fruit section. You have the option of going for a fruit diet in the morning followed by a veggie diet in the afternoon and a fruit diet in the evening followed by a veggie and fruit diet at night. The options and the permutations and combinations of consuming the fruit and vegetable diet or combination of both the diets is totally left to your disposal. You can decide on what you would like to have provided it is fruits and vegetables. Never miss the option of drinking 8 to 12 glasses of water even on day three as well.

Day Four

Day four would interest dieters looking for the fastest way to lose weight as it is filled with a banana and milk diet. Yes, you need to take at least a minimum of 8 to 10 bananas throughout the day and are allowed three glasses of milk. You might be a bit worried if this diet will make you feel hungry. But, on the contrary, you will feel quite full with this diet plan at the end of the day. You need to divide the bananas and the glasses of milk properly so that you do not feel any kind of starvation on the fourth day of GM diet plan regime. Consuming a banana and a glass of milk in the morning followed by a couple of bananas during the midday will be an ideal start to day four. You can take a glass of milk and two bananas for lunch on day four. You can also take a couple of bananas in the evening or even three bananas and then take a couple of bananas and a glass of milk at night. There will be no sign of hunger at all throughout the entire day if you follow this simple day four regime.

Day Five

If you love having a feast, then day 5 of the GM’s lose weight diet plan offers you the opportunity to a feast on day five. It is the day when you can have a cup of rice for lunch and take about six to seven tomatoes throughout the day. As there is every chance of producing a lot of uric acid in your body, it is ideal for you to increase the water level from 12 glasses to 15 glasses on day five.


Day Six

You are in for another feast day on day six of the GM’s diet plan. Here too, you will be allowed to take a cup of rice in the afternoon for lunch and you also need to stick on to a vegetable diet for the rest of the day. It is also important for you to make sure that you take at least 8 to 12 glasses of water on day six as well. This is the penultimate day of your seven day GM diet plan regime and you are sure to feel quite lighter than before by the sixth day. There is no doubt that you will also be improving your digestive system completely with this seven day diet plan from General Motors.

Day Seven

This is the last day of the lose weight diet plan from GM. Here, you are allowed to take a cup of rice and all the veggies that you would love to eat along with the fruit juice of your choice. This is considered to be the best day of your entire diet regime as you have the option to eat all the vegetables that you like and to flush it off by consuming the fruit juices of your choice.
There is no doubt that you will see a considerable amount of weight loss in  your body and you have done nothing other than following a strict fruit and vegetable and drinking water diet plan. There are also quite a lot of benefits that you gain from the GM diet plan. You will see your face to glow even better than before and also will improve your digestive system. The best advantage though would be that you would see a reduction in your body weight by about 4 to 5 kilos or even more.
So, for all the overweight people who are starving their stomach away to lose excess weight, try the healthier and fastest way to lose weight by following the simple GM diet plan .

Source : myhealthtips.in

Amazing Benefits Of Black Tea

One of the widely consumed tea is black tea. Such a tea is obtained from the leaves of the shrub known as Camellia sinesis and it is more oxidized than the green, white and the oolong tea varieties. It has a stronger flavor than other varieties of tea.
Black tea is produced by methods that are different from other tea varieties. They are first plucked and then set out to be withered in order to remove the moisture from them. After they have lost out maximum moisture content, the leaves are rolled manually or with the help of machines. This is done by
exposing them to high temperature. After the leaves have been fully oxidized, they are sorted as per the size.
Black tea is a name given to it due to the dark color of the tea’s liquor. If one notices carefully, it is usually orange or dark amber in color. Chinese are known to refer to it as red tea. The caffeine content in the tea is a concerning factor.  Cup of black tea is known to contain half the amount of caffeine found in a cup of coffee.

Amazing Health Benefits of Black Tea:

It is good to have black tea as part of one’s diet as it offers many health benefits which are part of its nutritional profile. The increased oxidation of the tea leaves makes them more flavorful and higher in caffeine content than the other varieties of tea. The flavor of black tea is retained for a longer time than in other forms of tea. The different health benefits of black tea are given below.
  1. Benefits for the cardiovascular system – Research has shown that consuming black tea helps to prevent the onset of cardiovascular problems. There are antioxidants present such as flavonoids which help to prevent the LDL cholesterol from being oxidized. Damage to blood stream and artery walls is reduced and the risk of heart diseases is also lowered. Consuming black tea can help reverse coronary artery diseases which come on due to endothelial vasomotor dysfunction. The flavonoids are also effective in reducing blood clots and coronary vasodilation. Manganese and polyphenols also help to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by keeping the heart muscles healthy.
  2. Preventing cancer – antioxidants like polyphenols found in black tea help to prevent the formation of potential carcinogens in the body which results in preventing cancers like that of the colorectal, prostate, ovarian, lung and bladder. Black tea can help to prevent breast, prostate and stomach cancer. The compound known as TF-2 contained in tea promotes death of cancer cells and allows normal cells to remain unaffected. Black tea can also reduce the risk of oral cancer in those who smoke cigarettes or use other tobacco products. Black tea prevents the growth and formation of malignant tumors.
  3. Free radical elimination – free radicals can cause a lot of harm to the body such as cancer, atherosclerosis and blood clot formation. When one consumes unhealthy food the number of free radicals in the body increases. There are antioxidants present in black tea which help to remove such free radicals and protect the body from the onset of different ailments. Black tea is a good choice for such prevention.
  4. Boosting the immune system – it is necessary to strengthen the immune system in order to fight different viruses and bacteria that can cause illnesses. Substances known as tannin contained in black tea has the ability to fight viruses like influenza, cold, flu, dysentery, hepatitis and others. One type of tannin called catechin is known to help in suppressing tumors. Alkylamine antigens present in black tea helps to boost the immune responses. One should opt to drink 3 to 4 cups of black tea per day in order to reduce inflammations as well as harmful pathogens.
  5. Maintaining oral health – the catechin antioxidants present in black tea help in reducing oral cancers. Tannin and polyphenols contain antibiotics which inhibit bacteria which can cause tooth decay. Black tea also contains fluoride that fights bad breath as well as eradicates harmful bacteria from the oral cavity. Two cups of black tea provide good amount of fluorides for oral health.
  6. Brain and nervous system stimulation – the low levels of caffeine content in black tea helps to promote blood flow to the brain without the jittery feelings brought on by high caffeine in coffee or stimulating the heart beyond the safe limits. Amino acid L-theanine present in black tea helps one to relax and concentrate on tasks at hand. If one consumes black tea four cups daily for one month they will find their stress levels going down caused by the cortisol hormone. The caffeine helps to boost the memory and mental alertness. It even protects against Parkinson’s disease.
  7. Benefits for digestion – tannin present in black tea is beneficial for digestion. It can combat different kinds of intestinal and gastric illnesses and has a therapeutic effect. There is an anti-diarrhea effect as well which helps in the intestinal activity. Polyphenols present in tea helps to lower intestinal inflammation which cause irritable bowel syndrome.
  8. Bones and tissue health – there are powerful phytochemicals present in black tea which can help to strengthen bones as well as connective tissue. Black tea drinkers have been found to possess healthier bones.
  9. Higher energy levels – black tea drinkers have found it to be an energizing drink. The moderate levels of caffeine in it act as a stimulant to increase alertness and brain function. Caffeine in black tea is more beneficial than the caffeine content in coffee or cola like beverages. The theophylline compound found in tea helps to stimulate the kidneys, heart and the respiratory system. Such compounds can help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.
  10. Helping weight loss – as black tea is low in fat, calories and sodium; it is beneficial for those who wish to lose weight. It can act as a substitute for unhealthy drinks like the carbonated beverages and prevent the addition of calories. It also helps to boost the metabolic activities and thus helps in weight loss.
  11. Lowering of Cholesterol – black tea helps to reduce the level of triglycerides. Bad cholesterol or LDL levels are reduced which in turn reduces the risk of heart diseases. The functioning of arteries is improved as well.
  12. Other beneficial effects – the antioxidants called catechins help to strengthen the blood vessels and tannin helps to increase the resistance of the body. Tumor growth is retarded, allergic responses are reduced and onset of diabetes is also averted.

Amazing Benefits Of Black Tea For Skin

The benefits of black tea for the skin and hair are several. It is considered to be good for the skin as it contains vitamins like C, E and B2. There are minerals present like zinc, potassium and magnesium as well as tannin and polyphenols. The drink has several nutritional benefits for the skin.
  1. The high caffeine content in black tea helps to kill oral viruses and prevents skin infection. It helps to keep the skin blemish free.
  2. Tea bags in moist and warm condition placed over the eye will help to reduce puffiness.
  3. Black tea helps to reduce premature wrinkles and pimple formation. If one is suffering from skin problems they can try and consume one or two cups of black tea everyday to see the benefits.
  4. The antioxidants that are present in black tea can ward off skin cancer.
  5. Extracts of tea can act as sun blocking agent if applied on the skin.
  6. Tannins and polyphenols present in back tea helps to accelerate the skin regeneration process.
  7. One can have glowing and blemish free skin by drinking black tea. The tannins protect the skin from the harmful effects of the environment. It also helps to improve the blood circulation and fight bacteria in the body.

Amazing Benefits Of Black Tea For Hair

The caffeine and antioxidants preset in black tea makes it beneficial for hair as well. It helps to develop hair that is strong and damage free. The benefits of black tea for hair are listed below.

  1. Caffeine which is present in black tea helps to decrease DHT hormone which can cause hair loss.
  2. Caffeine taken in moderation can help to stimulate hair growth while excessive caffeine can stunt growth of hair.
  3. Black tea rinses as part of hair care regime can help to add shine, natural darkness and luster. For this, one needs to add three tea bags to 6 cups of water. After the water is boiled with the tea bags, it should be kept and brought down to room temperature. Then it can be poured on the head and the hair wrapped in a towel. After that the hair can be washed off.
  4. Black tea acts a natural dyeing agent. It is suitable for women who have dark brown or black hair and wish to get rid of grey hair. Black tea rinse will help to bring out natural highlights in the hair.

Nutritional Values:

Black tea is known to contain caffeine, carbohydrates, potassium, minerals, fluoride, manganese and polyphenols. It also contains tannin, guanine, xanthine, purine, catechins and gallic esters. Polyphenol as an antioxidant is associated with many health benefits. The nutritional value of black tea can be summarized as follows:
  • Low in calories and sodium – black tea being low in calories as well as sodium is advantageous for people who wish to have a healthy substitute for the unhealthy colas and soft drinks.
  • Antioxidants – black tea is known to contain complex flavonoids such as polyphenols which plays an important role for preventing diseases and consuming antioxidants. A cup of black tea will provide 200 mg of flavonoids. Theaflavins, thearuigins are powerful antioxidants. Drinking three cups of black tea can help to increase the concentration of flavonoids in the blood stream.
Thus, black tea has many beneficial properties for health as well as hair and skin. Consumed in moderation it will provide good effects but in large doses it can cause digestive problems, varicose veins, acidity, palpitation, insomnia and others. If you have any other information regarding black tea feel free to share here.

Source : http://www.myhealthtips.in

Apple Finally Kills Newsstand

Apple Finally Kills Newsstand to Make Way for Apple News

Apple Finally Kills Newsstand

News junkies rejoice! If you have an iOS device, you’ll soon have a new way to read news. Apple’s latest mobile operating system, iOS 9, goes live today, and brings with it the chance to try Apple’s new newsreader, Apple News.

The gorgeous app will allow people to read, share, and save stories to read offline. People will be able to add preferred publishers to their favorites, allowing them to curate feeds from news outlets they enjoy. And Apple News will learn a user’s preferences and tailor what she sees based upon what she’s read in the past.

“News is smart,” Apple vice president of product management and marketing Susan Prescott said when Apple announced News in June. “The more I read, the better it gets at showing me stories I’m interested in.”

In other words, if Apple News works as promised, it will be the polar opposite of Newsstand. The skeuomorphic relic of iOS 5 bracketed off publications on a dumb shelf in some weird limbo between app and folder. Its key features included long download times and a maddening inability to delete it or, until iOS 7 came along, even hide it in another folder.

As of iOS 9, subscribers to Newsstand-based magazines or newspapers will see the Newsstand app replaced with a folder that looks like any other, but prepopulated with the publications you’re subscribed to. Unlike on Newsstand, however, magazines and newspaper icons will look like those of any other app.
Newsstand to News

Giving up on Newsstand, however, doesn’t mean Apple is abandoning its interest in corralling news into an iOS-native format. Apple News offers publishers another way to get their content (and ads) in front of you, but within the confines of an Apple-controlled user experience. The app will feature news only from specific partners, expected to be about 50 at launch. They include The New York Times, BuzzFeed, ESPN, and—full disclosure—WIRED.

Though Apple News ultimately is under Apple’s control, publishers will be able to customize stories so they have the look and feel of their own design and brand sensibilities, including photos, videos, and infographics. No plans have been announced for paid subscriptions or authentication into existing subscriptions in Apple News.

As on Facebook and Snapchat, Apple News offers publishers another venue for serving content to readers in exchange for surrendering a degree of control. The tradeoff may be worth it; news organizations will keep 100 percent of the revenue for ads they sell on Apple News, while Apple will pocket 30 percent if it helps sell ads using its iAds ad tech.

The other reason publishers may eagerly get on board with Apple News is that, after iOS 9’s launch, the mobile web will become less ad-friendly on the iPhone. For the first time, Apple is letting users block unwanted ads in Safari. If iPhone ad-blocking catches on, news sites will be looking for other ways to monetize reader eyeballs.

Source : wired.com