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Keeping Passion in Your Relationship

You know, I'm so glad we're talking today about the issue of sexuality. But, I want to expand the discussion somewhat from just sexuality, to sexuality, passion and intimacy. While the three are different, they are all connected.

Just consider: Can't holding hands be as intimate as intercourse? Doesn't the fact your partner did the laundry, folded it and put it away (without being asked!) make you want him as much as candles and flowers? Can't the passion you feel sharing your child's first word with your partner, or buying your first house together, be just as vital as the passion you experience during a marathon lovemaking session?

I submit that it is. That's why it's important to bring passion and intimacy into the everyday corners of your life instead of saving them for the bedroom, vacations or romantic outings.

Easier said than done, you say. Well, maybe. But it really doesn't have to be that difficult. Here are a handful of simple yet effective ways to bring passion and intimacy to the everyday:

    Pursue a new hobby together. It could be wine tasting, a high school sports team you follow closely or reading the same book and discussing it. Do something together that enhances your knowledge of a subject and of each other.
    Exercise together. Walk, run, do sit ups. Be a support partner for each other and acknowledge any small gains made for getting healthier and sexier. Consider showering together.
    Touch each other 10 times a day. It could be anything from a kiss to a pinch, but the understanding is that this is not going to lead directly to sex. It's just a way of physically connecting with one another.
    Plan, prepare and cook a meal together. You'd be surprised at the sensual punch cooking a meal together can have. And, of course, you get to enjoy it with each other.Schedule a sex date. Planning for sex builds up excitement, expectation and desire that normally just isn't there when you crawl into bed at 11 p.m.Put a lock on your bedroom door. This is particularly important if you have children (or adult children) still at home, or even a dog that's used to having the run of the place.Set a moratorium on all sex for several weeks or even a month. That doesn't mean you can't continue touching one another and talking about sex. You just can't have sex. The sheer act of prohibiting something makes it all the more enticing.
Be realistic about the time sex takes to accomplish. We all have busy lives and likely are exhausted by days' end. But, don't let the sex act take on unrealistic proportions. After all, it probably takes only about 10 minutes from start to finish for most people.
Your Cultural Background in the Bedroom
Numerous things affect a woman's desire, ranging from work stresses to physical exhaustion to being unhappy with her looks. Even your cultural or religious background can play a role.
For instance, if you grew up in a culture that was open to women being sexual, you're more likely to be sexual. Anthropologist Margaret Mead found that the majority of women in cultures in which the female orgasm was supported and considered appropriate were orgasmic; in cultures that viewed female orgasm as inappropriate, most women didn't have orgasms.
So if you think the way you were raised or the cultural environment you find yourself in today might play a role in any sexual problems you're having, make an appointment with your health care professional or consider consulting a therapist to talk about it. No matter how many pills, creams or lotions scientists come up with, talking is still an important part of understanding and resolving sexual problems.

Source : healthywomen.org

6 Food for Healthy Sleep

After day-long hectic work we all are very likely to have a sound sleep. However, in reality everybody is not quite fortunate enough to enjoy such sweet dreams. Most of us usually struggle to get a good sleep. Living in this fast paced society does not allow us to focus on our diet properly, however, to enjoy a nice sleep our regular diet should not be ignored.

Following is a small list of some healthy food options, which can provide you with a good-night sleep:                                              

Cherries are also quite famous as a sleep regulator because of its ability to manipulate your body clock. It’s a rich source of melatonin, which is known as a hormone manufactured by the pineal gland in your brain.

                                                                Warm Milk
You might have already heard about this old belief from elderly people in your families, however, this is not at all a myth and is truly workable. A glass of warm milk before bed is filled with amino acids as well as tryptophan, which transforms into serotonin. It has the ability to provide a calming influence in your brain. Milk is also quite a popular option as a rich calcium provider.

Potassium along with magnesium is very popularly known as a natural muscle relaxant & banana is a rich supplier of both of these. So having a banana is really helpful in getting you a good night’s sleep.
                                                             Handful of Almond
Mostly we like to have almonds after waking up in the morning, however, try this before going to sleep. Just like some other foods, this is also a rich provider of magnesium, which can help you to get some quality sleep time. Almonds are also quite effective in controlling your blood sugar levels during sleep.
                                                          Flax Seeds

Flaxseeds are a rich supplier of tryptophan as well as magnesium & omega 3 acids. As we all know tryptophan provide help in excruciating serotonin & magnesium and can be used as a muscle relaxant, omega 3 acids are also quite effective in lowering your depression as well as anxiety. So the combined effects of all these sources can fulfill your dream of a nice night’s sleep.
                                                             A Spoon Full of Honey

Specialists believe that a spoonful of honey is an effective option for getting a good night’s sleep. Presence of natural sugar in honey helps to expand the insulin level & let the tryptophan go into your brain, which can release some relaxing chemicals. Deficiency of glycogen in your liver during the night can also allow your body to release some stress hormones. Consumption of honey is really an effective option for storing glycogen.

These are a list of some foods which can help you to get a good night’s sleep. You can also add walnuts, sweet potatoes, etc. in this list too. However always remember that your consumption should finish at about 45 minutes before bed time.

Source : coolhealthtips

Health Tips for Heart, Mind and Body

If you only do 5 things to boost health, what should you do?

 WebMD Archive

Unhealthy lifestyle. It's a common contributor of our biggest health problems: stroke, heart disease, diabetes, cancer. What do the nation's top physicians recommend to keep your heart, mind, and body in optimally good health?

For the secrets to a long healthy life, WebMD turned to Richard A. Lange, MD, chief of cardiology at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. His advice:

1. Daily exercise.You brush your teeth every day; exercise is equally important for your daily routine. Turn off the TV or computer, and get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day.

To work your heart, it's got to be aerobic exercise. You've got lots of options: walking, jogging, biking, rowing machine, elliptical machine, swimming. But don't feel like you have to be an athlete. Walking is great exercise. Get 10 minutes here and there during the day. It all counts.
Start with something simple, like parking in the far corner of the parking lot -- so you get those extra steps to the door. Take the stairs one or two flights instead of the elevator. If you take public transportation, get off one stop early and walk the rest. Get out at lunch to walk. Or walk with your significant other or your spouse after work. You'll get a bonus -- relaxation and stress reduction.

2. Healthy diet.
Quit eating junk food and high-fat fast food. Your heart, brain, and overall health are harmed by foods high in saturated fats, salt, and cholesterol. There's no getting around it. You've got to replace them with healthy foods: lots of fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, olive oil -- what we call the Mediterranean diet. Eat like an Italian, a Spaniard, a Greek! Enjoy!

3. Weight loss.
Too much body weight puts your health at great risk. When you take in more calories than you burn, you get fat -- it's that simple. You've got to eat less. You've got to exercise more. You've got to push yourself to make these lifestyle changes -- but you've got to do it to help avoid serious health problems like heart disease, diabetes, or stroke.

4. Regular physical exams.
Tell your doctor your family medical history. Learn your personal risk factors, and the screening tests you need. Women may have mammograms to screen for breast cancer and Pap tests for cervical cancer. Men may have prostate cancer PSA tests. Routine screening for colorectal cancer should start at age 50, perhaps earlier if colon cancer runs in your family. You also need regular diabetes, blood pressure, and cholesterol tests. Make sure your immunizations are up to date. You may need flu and pneumonia shots, depending on your age.

5. Less stress.
When a person says they're too busy to exercise, it tells me other things are crowding out what's important in life: They don't spend time with family and friends; don't exercise enough; don't eat right; don't sleep properly. All these things reduce stress in your life, and that is critical to your health and longevity.
To be healthy, we need to set boundaries -- and set limits on work hours. We should not be working so hard that we're neglecting the things that keep us healthy. This is important advice, too, for people who take care of elderly parents or young children. Make sure you're getting proper exercise and sleep -- and that you're not trying to do too much.

Source : webmd.com

Killer robots: Tech experts warn against AI arms race

More than 1,000 tech experts, scientists and researchers have written a letter warning about the dangers of autonomous weapons.
In the latest outcry over "killer robots", the letter warns that "a military AI [artificial intelligence] arms race is a bad idea".
Among the signatories are scientist Stephen Hawking, entrepreneur Elon Musk and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.
The letter will be presented at an international AI conference today.
"Killer robots" are currently the subject of much debate and have recently been discussed by committees at the United Nations, which is considering the potential for a ban on certain types of autonomous weapons.
Now, the experts have called for a specific ban on the use of artificial intelligence to manage weapons that would be "beyond meaningful human control".
"Just as most chemists and biologists have no interest in building chemical or biological weapons, most AI researchers have no interest in building AI weapons - and do not want others to tarnish their field by doing so," they add.
MIT professor Noam Chomsky, Google AI chief Demis Hassabis, and consciousness expert Daniel Dennett are among others to have endorsed the letter.
The text, which has been published online by the Future of Life Institute (FLI), will be presented to delegates of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Buenos Aires.


Prof Hawking, a signatory to the letter, is currently taking part in an Ask Me Anything (AMA) session on Reddit, in which he is collecting questions about "making the future of technology more human".
He will respond to selected questions throughout the week, but has not yet posted his first reply.
In December, in an exclusive interview with the BBC, the professor raised his concern that AI could spell the end of mankind.
"Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn't compete [with artificial intelligence], and would be superseded," he said.
But Eric Horvitz - a Microsoft Research chief who signed the autonomous weapons letter - has also appeared in a video posted online by his firm's PR team in which he defends other AI research.
"You look at how much computation has done for our society, for socio-economics, in applications like healthcare - it's been incredible. AI will change so many things," he said.
"With that comes a lot of hope, a lot of possible benefits and also some concerns.
"Will the machines become so powerful and smart that they can't be turned off and they come to outwit man?
"I think there are very interesting questions that need to be solved along the way, but I expect largely positive beneficial results coming out of this research largely because we guide it."

In the loop

The UK's Ministry of Defence said in a statement that all UK forces currently operate, "in accordance with International Humanitarian Law."
"The UK's clearly defined Rules of Engagement are formulated on this basis.
"As such, there is always a 'man in the loop' controlling the system.
"UK military personnel are and will always be involved in the decision to employ and in the act of releasing weapons," it said.
A spokesman for BAE System, the UK's biggest defence contractor, added: "We are designing systems that will always be required to comply with the rules of engagement and legal and regulatory requirements. We support the UK MoD stance that there should be military personnel involved in the decision to employ weapons."
Watch Rory Cellan-Jones' interview with Prof Hawking from December

Source : bbc.com

Tech giants pledge $1bn for 'altruistic AI' venture, OpenAI

Prominent tech executives have pledged $1bn (£659m) for OpenAI, a non-profit venture that aims to develop artificial intelligence (AI) to benefit humanity.

The venture's backers include Tesla Motors and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, Paypal co-founder Peter Thiel, Indian tech giant Infosys and Amazon Web Services.

Open AI says it expects its research - free from financial obligations - to focus on a "positive human impact".

Scientists have warned that advances in AI could ultimately threaten humanity.

Mr Musk recently told students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that AI was humanity's "biggest existential threat".

Last year, British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking told the BBC AI could potentially "re-design itself at an ever increasing rate", superseding humans by outpacing biological evolution.

However, other experts have argued that the risk of AI posing any threat to humans remains remote.
'Extension of human wills'

A statement on OpenAI's website said the venture aims "to advance digital intelligence in the way that is most likely to benefit humanity as a whole, unconstrained by a need to generate financial return".

"It's hard to fathom how much human-level AI could benefit society, and it's equally hard to imagine how much it could damage society if built or used incorrectly."

The statement said AI "should be an extension of individual human wills and, in the spirit of liberty, as broadly and evenly distributed as is possible safely".

It said only a tiny fraction of the $1bn pledged would be spent in the next few years.

Source : bbc.com

14 Amazing Herbals and Drinks For Kidney Cleansing

There is an enormous change in our lifestyle which has improved ways of comfort and decreases quality of life. All of us gained many facilities at the cost of environment. One of the most adverse impact of pollution is increasing toxin level in the food that we consume.
The pair of kidney which we played an important role of detoxification of the body along with water regulation and the release of certain hormones. In short, we can say the kidneys make sure that we live healthy by removing the toxin from our body. It is very crucial to keep the kidneys cleaned regularly in order ensure the detoxification process goes on.
You can achieve a full health maintenance by keeping in
check the health of the kidneys.  Thus, in order to keep your kidneys healthy here we have brought for you some great ways
and means which can be wonderfully employed to cleanse the kidneys perfectly. The methods are very easy to implement and you can cleanse the kidneys at home without any fear of side effects. Let us get closer to these magnificent methods which can enable you to get a perfect cleaning of  your kidneys:

Wonderful Herbs to Cleanse Kidneys

The herbs to cleanse kidneys work real wonders to clean and tidy up your ever-working kidneys. You might check if you are allergic to any of the herbs before the application of home remedies for the kidneys cleansing process. The herbs do not have any side effects for people without any medical history of allergy.
The details about the herbs and application method is given below:-

1. Dandelion Root for Kidney Cleansing:

Dandelion works as a great diuretic and promotes the production of more urine. The urination process flush  toxins out of the body.
Things You Need:
  • Dried Dandelion- 1 tsp
  • Hot water- 1 cup
  • Honey- ½ tsp
Things You Should Do:
  1. Pour the dried dandelion into the hot cup of water.
  2. Allow it to thoroughly get steeped for about 5 minutes of time.
  3. Strain the liquid out and add the honey to it.
  4. Stir the contents together well and sip this tea for about 2 times in a day.

2. Celery to Clean Kidneys:

Celery leaves and roots are well known natural diuretic since the ancient times. It comprises of nutrients like potassium and sodium, which makes it the most suitable herb to clean the kidneys.
Things You Need:
  • Celery Ribs- 2
  • Fresh Parsley- ½ cup
  • Cucumber-1
  • Carrot-1
Things You Should Do:
  1. Blend all the specified ingredients together and prepare a nice juice.
  2. Drink this nutrient-filled juice for about one time in a single day.
  3. Continue doing this for about 2-3 weeks to get best results in cleaning up your kidneys.

3. Marshmallow to Clean Kidneys:

Marshmallows can be effectively used to clean kidneys since they are  great diuretics and  increases the urine output. This would further improve the health of the kidneys by washing away all kinds of toxins repeatedly. Let us see this remedy:
Things You Need:
  • Dried Marshmallow root- 1 tbsp
  • Hot, boiled water- 1 cup
Things You Should Do:
  1. Add the dried marshmallow root to the hot cup of water.
  2. Allow them to sink for 5-8 minutes and diffuse their flavors out.
  3. Now, strain the liquid out and consume 2 cups of this tea in a single day.
  4. Continue this for up to a week to cleanse your kidneys.
Note: Pregnant women cannot consume marshmallow tea for any purpose.

4. Parsley for Kidney Cleansing:

Parsley can wonderfully take up the task of kidney cleansing as it leads to flush out all the unwanted and dangerous bacteria due to its diuretic properties. It also increases the urine generation.

Method 1: Parsley Tea

Things You Need:
  • Crushed Parsley- 1 tbsp
  • Boiling hot water- 1 cup
Things You Should Do:
  1. To the cup of hot water, add the crushed parsley.
  2. Cover the cup and let them steep together for about 8 minutes.
  3. Strain the liquid out.
  4. Drink 2 cups of this tea daily to cleanse your kidneys.

Method 2: Detox Parsley Drink

Things You Need:
  • Parsley Juice- ¼ cup
  • Water – ½ cup
  • Honey- ¼ tsp
  • Lemon juice- ¼ tsp
Things You Should Do:
  1. Mix all the told ingredients together.
  2. Make a fine juice of it.
  3. Drink 2 cups of this juice daily for about 2 weeks to get your kidneys perfectly cleansed.
Note: This remedy should be avoided if you are pregnant.

5. Ginger for Kidney Cleansing:

Ginger amazingly improves the process of digestion and  also wash off harmful microbial content of  the body. This is a great herb which you can use to perfectly conduct kidney cleansing process.
Things You Need:
  • Grated Ginger- 2 tsp
  • Hot boiled water- 2 cups
  • Honey- ½ tsp
  • Lemon Juice- ¼ tsp
Things You Should Do:
  1. Add the grated ginger to the hot water.
  2. Allow them to steep together for about at least 4-9 minutes.
  3. Add the lemon juice and the honey to it and stir them all well.
  4. Have 2 cups of this tea daily.
  5. Repeat the same for about a few weeks to get your kidneys cleansed.

6. Horsetail for cleaning your Kidneys:

Horsetail is yet another wonderful and a striking herb that can lead to an entire cleaning of your kidneys astoundingly. This is also a natural diuretic and can be very much helpful to clean the kidneys. Also, it is an excellent antioxidant which provides an  immense help in intensely cleaning the renal system.
Things You Need:
  • Dried horsetail- 1-3 tsp
  • Hot water- 1 cup
Things You Should Do:
  1. Add the dried horsetail to the hot boiling water.
  2. Allow it to mix thoroughly by waiting for about 7-8 minutes.
  3. Now, strain the liquid out and sip on 2 cups of this tea in a day.
  4. Continue to do this for about 1 week to clean your kidneys.

7. Stinging Nettle to Clean your Kidneys

This herb works greatly to cleanse your kidneys due to its diuretic properties. It works out in an enhancing manner to improvise the robust nature of your kidneys. This remedy also prevents the formation of kidney crystals and keeps the kidneys clean and healthy.
Things You Need:
  • Dried Stinging Nettle- 2 tsp
  • Hot Water- 1 cup
  • Honey- ¼ tsp
Things You Should Do:
  1. Add the dried stinging powder to the hot cup of water.
  2. Steep them together for about 7-8 minutes.
  3. Strain the liquid out and add the honey to it to enhance the taste of it.
  4. Have this tea for about 2 times in a day.
  5. Continue it for a week to get results in cleaning your kidneys.
Note: It is to be noted that this herb can be consumed only after professional doctor’s advice since it can interrupt with other body activities. Instances of these are blood thinning, high levels of blood pressure, medication related to diabetes etc. So always opt for a doctor’s advice before using this herb.

Best Drinks to Cleanse Kidneys:

Apart from the above-mentioned herbs, you can also choose to some well prepared juices and drinks to cleanse your kidneys in an excellent way. Here are some of the best such juices:

1. Watermelon Juice for a nice Kidney Cleanse:

Watermelon is an amazing source of potassium and is also rich with water (99%). So this would wonderfully help you in flushing out the  toxins from your  body. Here is the juice recipe of watermelon to cleanse kidneys.
Things You Need:
  • Watermelon Slices- 2-3 cups
  • Peeled Lime -1
  • Honey- ¼ tsp
Things You Should Do:
  1. Blend the watermelon slices and peeled lime together.
  2. Add honey to it and stir them well.
  3. Now, drink this delicious juice to clean your kidneys.

2. Beet Juice to Clean Kidneys:

Beets are extremely healthy. It is well equipped with antioxidants and can extravagantly increase the acid content of urine.
Things You Need:
  • Large Peeled Beet- 1
  • Fresh Peeled Ginger- 1
  • Ice cubes- 2-3
Things You Should Do:
  1. Blend the above-mentioned ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Serve fresh with ice cubes.
  3. Drink this juice regularly to clean your kidneys.

3. Lemon Juice:

Lemon Juice contains Vitamin C and Citric acid, both which are healthy to the body. It prevents kidney stone formation.
Things You Need:
  • Lemons- 3-4
  • Cold Water- ½ glass
  • Honey- ¼ tsp
Things You Should Do:   
  1. Squeeze the fresh lemons into the cold water.
  2. Mix honey into this solution.
  3. Stir them and drink this juice to cleanse your kidneys from toxins.

4. Radish Drink for Kidney Cleansing:

Radishes are great detoxifiers. They work in special regard with the gall bladder and the liver. This will help your kidneys in flushing out the impurities. If you are already a victim of kidney stones, then drinking this radish juice would be one of the best ever remedies to get rid of your kidney stones. Here is the remedy of radish for kidney cleansing process.
Things You Need:
  • Radish slices- 1 cup
  • Purple Cabbage- 1 cup
  • Celery rib- 1
Things You Should Do:
  1. Wash all the ingredients perfectly.
  2. Get them into a juicer and blend them.
  3. Have this drink to cleanse your kidneys.

5. Cranberry Juice to cleanse Kidneys:

Cranberry juice is another excellent juice that deeply cleans up your kidneys to a great extent. It is known to be an immensely valued fighter against urinary tract ailments. It also decreases the calcium oxalate content of the kidneys, which is the main cause for the formation of kidney stones. So,use the following recipe to clean up your kidneys.
Things You Need:
  • Frozen Cranberries- 500 mg
  • Water- 1 liter
  • Sugar- 2 tsp
  • Cheesecloth- 1
Things You Should Do:
  1. Wash the cranberries with care.
  2. Boil the washed cranberries.
  3. Lessen the flame and cook till the cranberries burst.
  4. Strain the juice of the cranberries through the cheesecloth.
  5. Add sugar to upgrade the taste.
  6. Reheat the juice for a few more minutes.
  7. Have this juice in a chilled form to cleanse your kidneys.

6. Carrot and Cucumber Juice for Kidney Cleansing:

Carrot and cucumber are armed with extensive powers to cleanse kidneys. When combined in a nutritive mix, they tend to flush out all the toxins in a perfect mannerism. Let us see the recipe now:
Things You Need:
  • Carrots- 2
  • Cucumber – 1
Things You Should Do:
  1. Chop the carrots and the cucumber into pieces.
  2. Blend them together.
  3. Have this juice regularly to keep your kidneys in an absolved condition.

7. Cleansing Beverages:

This particular recipe speaks about how to make a nice beverage at home which is quite beneficial to enhance the health of the kidneys.
Things You Need:
  • Lemon Juice- 2 tsp
  • Apple Cider Vinegar- 2 tsp
  • Pure water- 1 glass
Things You Should Do:
  1. Add all the ingredients to the water and stir it well.
  2. Have this juice for a consecutive 4 day Cleanse.
  3. This would help you in conducting a nice fresh cleanse to your kidneys.

Other Tips to Sufficiently Cleanse your Kidneys at home:

Apart from what all has been mentioned above, here are a few handful tips which would serve you the best in cleaning your kidneys.
  1. Drink a lot of water is one of the basic tip which you should follow in order to keep your kidneys  clean. Water acts as a great solvent and would aid you in flushing out all the harmful and unneeded toxins from your body.
  2. Cleansing can also be rightly done when you introduce the practice of drinking various juices and healthy liquid combinations.These can include fruit juices, vegetable juices or a combination of both.
  3. Try to avoid smoking and high consumption of   alcohol as it is very harmful for your kidneys.
  4. Keep a close eye on your cholesterol levels and if you are an overweight person, try to reduce your weight considerably.
  5. Avert yourself away from foods that are processed and fried.
  6. Keep yourself inclined to food which is healthy. Examples are leafy vegetables, whole grain foods, fresh fruits, etc.
  7. Work hard to keep your blood sugar levels and blood pressure levels in check.
  8. Exercise regularly.
By following the above-mentioned tips and remedies of herbs as well as  juices, you will for sure  get over the problem of having unclean and infected kidneys. These are the best natural ways which can enable you to possess robust and healthy kidneys. So, try out the remedies and keep us posted about  your valuable experiences.

Source :  myhealthtips.in

Sex Doesn't Have to End With Menopause

If you've been through menopause, then you might say that your sex life has never been better. After all, the pregnancy worries are gone and so are the children. You can be spontaneous! Have sex in any room of the house!
You're no longer running your kids to endless activities, so you have more energy at the end of the day. You're relaxed and comfortable with who you are and what you want.
Hold up. For every woman in the throes of postmenopausal sexual bliss, there's a woman (or two or three) out there who quivers at the mere mention of sex. Or, she may have the desire—but not the ability. Sexual dysfunction affects millions of women in the United States.
Face it, a woman's sex drive is quite complex. Aside from the emotional aspects, there are physical changes during menopause that can, well, complicate things.
Take those extra pounds and the altered body shape that come with them (hello, belly fat!). A woman may feel uncomfortable or self-conscious about her body—and may barely recognize it as her own.
Poor self-image aside, if you're carrying extra weight, physical problems like reduced energy or reduced mobility may interfere with your sexual function.
And what of those momentous hormonal changes that go hand-in-hand with menopause? While your body is busy ushering your estrogen out, it's welcoming in some pretty significant vaginal changes, like dryness and thinning of its lining (otherwise known as vaginal atrophy). Less estrogen equals less vaginal lubrication, leading to a less elastic vagina. What ensues? Pain, burning, tightness or soreness. In fact, according to the North
American Menopause Society, vaginal atrophy is the most common cause of painful sex at midlife and beyond.
Other possible sex-busters: hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats, irregular bleeding, sleep problems andinsomnia. Those usual suspects of menopause.
So, what's a menopausal woman to do? First, remember that sexual problems are not problems if they're not bothersome to you or your partner. Everyone has their own "normal" and their own threshold for letting a problem get in the way of their relationship (or not).
Before you throw up your hands in despair (or throw out your lacy lingerie), here are some ideas worth considering:
  • Physical therapy for pelvic discomfort
  • Kegal exercises
  • Regular sexual activity, which promotes vaginal health and blood flow. To make it easier, you may want to consider:
    • Vaginal dilators
    • Over-the-counter vaginal lubricants (for temporary relief of dryness before and during sex)
    • Over-the-counter vaginal moisturizers (for longer-term relief from dryness)
    • Low-dose vaginal estrogen therapy in cream, ring or vaginal tablet form (reverses underlying atrophy and dryness)
    • Higher-dose hormone therapy throughout the body via pills, patches and other preparations (reverses underlying atrophy and dryness, but generally reserved for women with bothersome hot flashes. A recent Australian study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that a testosterone patch may significantly improve a woman's sexual satisfaction. The patch is currently available in Europe to treat loss of sexual desire in women, but it is associated with a possible increase in the risk of breast cancer. More research is needed before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) would approve the therapy.
Other treatments:
  • Laser therapy. A new non-hormonal therapy, the MonaLisa Touch is a fractional carbon dioxide (CO2) laser specially designed to help restore vaginal health in postmenopausal women. It was recently introduced in this country after successfully treating more than 15,000 patients around the world. Performed by an OB/GYN, it works by delivering controlled energy to the vaginal tissue to revitalize the cells to make morecollagen (which is an essential ingredient in vaginal cell health) and is an in-office, virtually pain-free procedure requiring no anesthesia.
  • Flibanserin. Touted as the "female Viagra," the FDA twice rejected this drug, citing safety concerns like low blood pressure, dizziness and fainting. As of this writing, an FDA advisory panel has recommended approval of the drug on the condition that the drug's manufacturer, Sprout Pharmaceuticals, try to reduce the risks of side effects. Stay tuned for a final decision, possibly in summer 2015.
  • Ospemifene (Osphena). This drug was approved by the FDA in 2013 for postmenopausal women who experience pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse. The once-a-day pill, which works by acting like estrogen in some parts of the body, helps make vaginal tissue thicker and less fragile.
Any woman considering taking any medication should have a thorough discussion with her health care provider to consider the risks and benefits.
Source : healthywomen.org

Stanford's Christian McCaffrey is Pac-Man against USC in Pac-12 championship

USC's best shot, even with a new head coach and throwback physical philosophy, still wasn't good enough.Not against time-tested Stanford. And especially not against a Cardinal team featuring Christian McCaffrey.
McCaffrey, a sophomore who is almost certainly bound for New York this week as a Heisman Trophy finalist, was the spectacular difference in seventh-ranked Stanford's 41-22 victory over the Trojans in the Pac-12 Conference championship game on Saturday at Levi's Stadium.
The sophomore running back accounted for three touchdowns and amassed 461 all-purpose yards as the Cardinal earned a Rose Bowl berth for the third time in four years.
"He's a mismatch nightmare," USC Coach Clay Helton said.
USC was unable to match its own performance from the week before, when the Trojans ran the ball with authority from start to finish, pressured the quarterback and caused multiple turnovers in a victory over UCLA. It was a win that appeared to convince USC Athletic Director Pat Haden that Helton was the man to lead USC into the future — and to drop the interim tag before the Trojans faced the Cardinal.
On Saturday, the offense started slowly, the Trojans were victimized by a key turnover and the defense simply could not contain McCaffrey.
So Helton's — and the Trojans' — immediate future will include a berth in either the Holiday, Sun, Foster Farms or Las Vegas bowl. USC will learn its destination Sunday.
The Trojans, who persevered through the firing of Steve Sarkisian to make an improbable run to the South division title, had been aiming for their first Rose Bowl appearance in seven years.
Instead, they lost to Stanford for the second time this season.
Throughout the game, yelling and profanities emanating from the USC coaches' booth in the press box could be heard as McCaffrey stutter-stepped to mid-range gains, broke free for wide-open pass receptions and blazed his way toward the end zone.
"I was put in a bunch of different situations to be successful," McCaffrey said.
McCaffrey rushed for 207 yards and a touchdown, caught four passes for 105 yards and a touchdown, passed for an 11-yard touchdown and totaled 149 yards in kick-return yardage.
"What doesn't he do?" Trojans linebacker Su'a Cravens said.
Said USC receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster, who caught 11 passes: "If we were able to shut down McCaffrey it would be a different story. I pray he wins the Heisman.
Stanford Coach David Shaw said McCaffrey was the best player in the nation.
"It's not even a debate," Shaw said.
Stanford quarterback Kevin Hogan also was quietly effective, passing for a touchdown, running for another and catching a touchdown pass from McCaffrey, who ran for 155 yards in the first half as the Cardinal held the ball for more than 21 minutes.
"We just didn't execute and made him look great," defensive lineman Antwaun Woods said.
Trojans running back Justin Davis, who rushed for 99 yards, said the Trojans might have been too keyed up.
"I hate to say it, but us being a second-half team is our weakness," he said. "We don't come out fast at the beginning of the game and then sometimes it's just too late."
USC still held the Cardinal to one touchdown and two field goals in the first half and trailed only 13-3.
"They knew all they had to do was do their job," Helton said of the Trojans' attitude coming out of halftime.
USC took 16-13 lead on freshman tailback Ronald Jones II's 27-yard third-quarter touchdown run and appeared poised to possibly deal Stanford its first loss in three conference title-game appearances.
But McCaffrey set up a touchdown with a long catch-and run and the Cardinal pushed the lead to 11 points when linebacker Blake Martinez hit Kessler from behind and knocked the ball loose. Lineman Solomon Thomas scooped up the ball and returned it for a touchdown.
"Defensively, we knew we were going to have to make a game-breaking play," Shaw said
Kessler answered by running for a touchdown that cut the deficit to five points before McCaffrey all but sealed the victory with another touchdown catch.
"You can see in the locker room," cornerback Adoree' Jackson said. "We are pretty disappointed in ourselves."

How Mark Zuckerberg’s Example Helps Fight Stigma of Family Leave

There’s growing political support for some sort of paid family leave, and it’s clear that many mothers use it when it’s offered. What has been less clear is whether it would make a difference for fathers. A new study shows how it would.

In California, one of three states that offer paid leave for both parents, new fathers have been 46 percent more likely to take leave since the law went into effect in 2004 — especially first-time fathers and those who work at jobs where it’s more common. Still, even in a state that pays for parents to take leave, the study showed that it is much less common among fathers than mothers.

Advocates of parental leave say they hope prominent examples like Mark Zuckerberg, the Facebook co-founder and chief executive, who just started a two-month paternity leave after the birth of his daughter, Max, will change attitudes. “Studies show that when working parents take time to be with their newborns, outcomes are better for the children and families,” he wrote on Facebook last month.

The results of California’s program — the first to offer government-supported paternity leave in the United States — show how policies can help families adapt to the fact that most parents now work, and men report as much stress over work-family balance as women do.

Though men still face a strong stigma when they take leave, paid leave policies seem to help alleviate that. And when men spend time caring for children early on, they are more involved for years to come, studies show, while women are able to work more hours and earn higher wages.

“It wasn’t clear until now if this would have an effect on men, too, because of gender stereotypes and norms,” said Maya Rossin-Slater, an economist at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and an author of the study. “It’s important to know that fathers do have a demand for leave, and when it’s offered, they do respond.”

The researchers used state and federal data to study leave-taking among California fathers who live with their children. They found that paid leave had evened out the division of labor in California families: Solo leave-taking by fathers (when mothers are back at work) increased 50 percent. Leave-taking at the same time as mothers increased 28 percent.

Fathers of sons were twice as likely to take leave as fathers of daughters, though it is unclear why. There is other evidence that parents spend more time with children of their gender. California mothers were slightly more likely to take leave with daughters than with sons, and single mothers tend to invest more in daughters.

The economists also found that the increase in men’s leave-taking was almost entirely driven by first-time fathers. Mothers, meanwhile, were equally likely to take leave with additional children.

The researchers speculated that first-time fathers might be responding to the sharp learning curve with a first baby, or else they start families with lofty ideals for fatherhood but later revert to more traditional gender roles, perhaps because of employer pressure.

Men who worked in jobs with a large share of female workers were also more likely to take leave. There is most likely less stigma about men taking time off at jobs where many women have already done so.
 “These are places where norms are such that when a male or female worker has a child, they are more likely to take leave,” said Ms. Rossin-Slater, who wrote the paper with Jane Waldfogel and Ann Bartel of Columbia University, Christopher Ruhm of the University of Virginia and Jenna Stearns of the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Previous studies have shown that peer influence — as when co-workers, brothers or bosses take paternity leave — has a strong effect on men’s leave-taking. That is one reason Mr. Zuckerberg publicly announced his leave. He also promotes leave by explicitly saying in meetings that people are on parental leave instead of just out of the office. Facebook offers four months of paid parental leave, but while most women there take all the time, men take less.

Paternity leave seems to set lifelong patterns for families. In another study co-written by Ms. Waldfogel of 10,000 children in the United States, researchers found that fathers who took two or more weeks of leave were significantly more likely to do child-care tasks like diapering and feeding later on. Fathers who took less than two weeks were no more likely to be involved than those who took none at all.

Still, Mr. Zuckerberg is the exception. Although 89 percent of fathers took some time off after their baby’s birth, almost two-thirds took one week or less, according to research by Ms. Waldfogel.

In California, few fathers take the full six weeks. Again, stigma associated with leave plays a role. Social scientists have found that men pay a price in earnings and promotions when they do not seem wholly committed to work. There is also evidence that many people simply do not know the leave is available.

Even countries with generous paternity leaves have had trouble getting fathers to take them. In places like Sweden and Canada, policy makers have enforced so-called daddy quotas to encourage more men to take leave.
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How To Get Rid Of Unwanted Hair Naturally

Hair on our body is a normal condition but excessive hair is seen as an obstacle toward looking flawless and beautiful. Body hair is known to have vital functions. It helps to protect the skin from the dust particles. It acts as a protective layer over the fine and delicate skin cells and to preserve the body heat. However, it is seen as unsightly when the hair is in excess. Thus, nowadays men and women are obsessed about removing body hair in order to flaunt their skin and complexion. It is seen that excess body hair makes one appear dark. As fairness is seen as a mark of beauty and good grooming, everyone wishes to get rid of excess body and facial hair removal.
Causes Of Excess Body Hair

It is common to have body hair. Some people have more hair growth on their body than others. However, there are certain hormonal conditions that bring on excess hair growth:

•    Hirsutism is a condition that is caused by a hormonal disorder; it leads to excessive hair growth.
•    Excessive hair growth or abnormal hair growth on the face or other areas of the body is mainly caused by hormonal changes.
•    An increase in the level of androgen in women can increase facial hair growth
•    Polycystic ovary syndrome can lead to excessive hair growth
•    Tumor in the adrenal gland
•    Insulin resistance
•    Cushing’s disease

These are some of the many causes that lead to excessive body and facial hair growth.
Symptoms Of Excess Hair Growth
If one is suffering from excessive hair growth they will see the following symptoms:

•    Abnormal hair growth on the face
•    The hair growth occurs within a short period of time
•    The body hair also increases
•    Such hair growth may be accompanied with increased muscle mass, changes in voce and acne flares
How To Get Rid Of Unwanted Hair Naturally

Nowadays there are many cosmetic methods and devices that help one to control their body hair and facial hair growth. Most men and women nowadays frequent clinics in order to get waxing treatments done as well as other procedures like electrolysis, laser hair removal and other more permanent solutions. However, such procedures prove costly and time consuming. They need one to make several visits to the dermatologist or the clinic and spend a lot of money in getting the desired effect. Instead, one can pursue many simple and effective home remedies to remove unwanted hair
1.  Using A Home Made Scrub
It is known that a mixture of:
•    Turmeric powder
•    Gram flour
•    Water
Such a paste needs to be applied on the body and face and allowed to dry. It should then be rubbed off gently. It helps to remove excess facial and fine body hair.
2. Use Of Pumice Stone
This stone is known to help scrub off fine hair when used regularly:
•    While taking bath it should be used to scrub the hands and legs
•    Unwanted body hair will be rid off in this way
3.   Home Made Wax Treatment

One can pursue a home made version of waxing which will be effective but painful:

•    Make a mixture of honey, lemon and sugar
•    Apply the heated mixture on the areas where the hair has to be removed
•    The hair should not be too long or dense

Once the mixture is applied, a strip of cellophane or fabric can be used to pull off the hair from the roots. The fabric or cellophone should be pulled in the opposite direction of hair growth.
4.    Using Wax For Male Chest Hair

When one wishes to remove male chest hair they can use home waxing treatment:

•    Hot, molten wax should be used
•    Once it is applied cloth should be used or cellophane to pull off the hair
5.    Plucking Or Tweezing

When one has few hair on the chin as some women do, it is best to:

•    Pluck off the hair with a pair of tweezers
•    Use of home made wax consisting of sugar, lemon juice and water will also help to eliminate the    hair
6.    Removing Hair From The Chin Area
Some women have more hair on the chin area and they wish to remove the same:
•    The home made wax solution can be used
•    A mixture of honey and lemon juice can be applied and then rinsed off after ten or fifteen minutes
Such a home remedy should be done twice a week.
7.  Shaving
While shaving is an easy way to get rid of excess body hair, it has certain limitations. It will make the hair grow back fast and the hair will be dense, unlike the waxing process:

•    A simple razor can be used to shave off unwanted hair from hands, legs and even underarms               while taking bath

•    One should lather up well with soap

•    It is best to use warm water before doing the shaving as it helps to open up the pores

•    Once the shaving is done, cold water will help to close the pores
8.    Removing Hair From Eyebrows

•    Tweezing or plucking will help to remove excess hair from the eyebrows

•    Using a small scissor could also do the rick
9.    Different Home Made Scrubs

There are different ingredients that can act as effective scrubs to help reduce body hair:

•    Yoghurt

•    Milk cream

•    Gram or chick pea flour

Pastes made out of such ingredients will help to reduce body hair when used regularly or twice or thrice a week.
10.    Depilatory Creams

If you would rather not use the painful waxing treatment you can opt for a depilatory cream:

•    One needs to apply the cream over the area where hair has to be taken off

•    Leave it on for ten or fifteen minutes

•    Wash it off

That is a painless and effective way to remove hair at home.
11.    Increase Soy Products

•    Have soy bean and similar products more in your diet

•    As they help to increase the estrogen levels the androgen levels are kept in control
12.    Have A Balanced Diet

If you have a low body weight and body fat you might see an increase in body hair to keep body temperature optimal:

•    Follow a balanced diet

•    Include healthy fats, milk and veggies in your diet

Are you worried about the cosmetic procedures of hair removal? You could opt for these simple and effective home remedies to keep hair growth under control.

Batman vs Superman trailer gets ruthless as Henry Cavill unmasks Ben Affleck's ageing Gotham vigilante in latest teaser

Superman has unmasked Batman in the latest new trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice .
The clip - which is 50 seconds long - was aired during an advertising break for TV series Gotham on Monday night and in it The Caped Crusader, played by Ben Affleck , is seen chained up in a cell as Henry Cavill's Superman flies into the bunker, storms past armed guards before intimidating Batman and pulling off his mask off.
The rivals then stare at each other and Superman drops the Bat-mask and it ends dramatically with a black screen.

Batman unmasked in latest trailer
A full version of the trailer will be shown on Jimmy Kimmel Live tomorrow, Wednesday 2 December.
Elsewhere, Affleck recently revealed he has been feeling the "pressure" for his role as The Dark Knight and admits it would be "extremely disappointing" for him if people don't like his performance or 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice', which is directed by Zack Snyder.
He said: "I think there is a ton of pressure on it. I mean I would be bull****ing you to say there isn't. If it doesn't do well that will be extremely disappointing."
However, he was full of praise for Kevin Tsujihar, the CEO of Warner Bros., for "caring" about the production.

Batman v Superman Comic Con trailer
Bruce Wayne runs towards trouble in the Batman v Superman Comic Con trailer
He added: "I was really impressed by ... the fact that he cared. It was not like some guys, especially at that level, where it would be, 'We need a franchise movie ... we just need a movie with the names 'Batman' and 'Superman' on it and it doesn't matter what it is.
"For him, that wasn't it. He was willing to take longer to make the movie to get it right to make it a movie of higher quality."

Batman v Superman Comic Con trailer
So far the trailers have looked intense
For those that are still in the dark about this highly-anticipated film, here's the synopsis:
Fearing the actions of a god-like super hero left unchecked, Gotham City’s own formidable, forceful vigilante takes on Metropolis’s most revered, modern-day savior, while the world wrestles with what sort of hero it really needs. And with Batman and Superman at war with one another, a new threat quickly arises, putting mankind in greater danger than it’s ever known before.

* Batman v Superman is scheduled for worldwide release in March 2016